You Can Make A


Nothing comes between me and my vote

Votivist trains and mobilizes volunteers to educate, register, and empower all Florida citizens to successfully cast their ballot.

Take the Pledge

Now more than ever, we need your commitment to vote. Take the pledge and our team will make sure you are registered and have everything you need to make your voice heard!

Make Donation

When you donate to votivist you are helping us help other citizens overcome barriers to voting through education, registration and empowerment.

Become a Volunteer

We believe that democracy works best when everyone participates. We need your help expanding the vote in FL!

About Us

We Are On A Mission To
Empower Citizens to Consciously, and Confidently Vote

Votivist is an organized and effective non-partisan campaign to increase voter registration and voter turnout for people facing barriers to full civic participation. It is a campaign without a candidate. This means that Votivist does NOT work for a candidate or a party. Votivist  does NOT mobilize around specific issues (e.g. environment, education). Votivist  is an ongoing, non-partisan effort to increase voter registration and voter turnout. Providing voters what they need to cast their ballots consciously, and confidently


Successfull Campaigns


Presidential Election

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


At Votivist we believe that your vote is your voice. No matter who you are, your voice matters! Votivst is here to provide you with all the facts you need to make your voice heard by casting your ballot in EVERY election. If you need help registering or want to bring voter education to your community, let us know. Staff at Votivist are here to help!

How We Work





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